I am a Junior Developer in Google Developer Student Clubs, Indian Institute of Information Technology Surat chapter.
I am quite fascinated by the modern computer science and the way it attempts to make changes in the lives of the people
As students, we learn a lot of technologies, to keep only a few for a longer time in the armour
I want to be in an organization, where it has the best of web and data.
Designing fast, scaable systems with inculation of latest trends and standards.
I am not just good in designing the systems, but to code them too.
It is not just about writing the code, or some good code, it is a lot about writing maintainable code.I believe in writing code that can be passed on to the generations.
A team is as good as their leader. As a team leader, I believe in the abilities of my team, giving them enough creative liberty and professional space, to help them come up with amazing solutions, even for the unforeseen problems.
I am getting a chance to work on a lot of projects, with a veriety of technologies.
I worked on fetching the data from the cliicaltrials database, as well as used Yelp fusion API to search businesses based on an area parameter. This project is being seed funded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). It comprises of students from likes of MIT and University of Oxford.
Student data management is a big part of our college. I designed this system, with primary focus on the minimizing the size of data, while not making any compromises to the integrity of the data.
With passing time, movies on Netflix are getting shortened in terms of duration. It is one of the hints that the quality of content provided by Netflix is quite constant, as there has not been any highly significant change in the number of Netflix subscribers. I have been working on this project for a long time, and I have to say that I have been using the data in this project to build a model to predict the length of the movie.